Saturday, September 16, 2017

Lawrence Igwegbe Intellectual Works Portal

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 Lawrence Igwegbe Author
 Earth Lost

Three ruthless, greedy, self-centered psychopathic star-hopping blocks; Americans and their allies, Russians and their allies and the unknown aliens from the unknown galaxy, in a game of intrigue, ruthlessness, deft maneuvering and death! Each held its ace tight to its chest- the trophy is the little green Planet-Earth and it is also the victim. Which is going to outwit the lest?
The fraudster even defrauded life itself! At birth he would have been declared dead at birth if not for the experience of the doctor because he neither cried no show any sign he was breathing for several hours as is expected of a new child. The only thing that did not make the doctor not to declare him still birth was because his body was warm and until the doctor covered his nose and anus for some minutes and released him before he issued the usual cry! He exercised his cunning in primary school and horned it in his patient-medicine dealership business. He was also a fake boxer fixing fake boxing bouts he won against obviously stronger opponents; until he caped it on the alter as a “servant” of God! You are eager to know what he did to his congregation aren’t you? - The Fraudster!
 Have you ever read that in many African villages, households, eek out living on less than $5 per day!? Have you ever imagined that it was so difficult to even make the $5 and that as little as the $5 was that all hands were on deck to make it!? I mean father, mother and all children! Now if parents and all their children had to do so much in those African villages where they had to survive on $5 per day you can now sum up the quantity of effort that had to be put in for some households to make $10 to $20 per day!
Do you know that some households have to put in as much as 14 to 16 hours of serious labor every day to stay slightly above poverty- line and perhaps hope to afford the luxury of giving education of a kind to the children? The parents in those African villages simply have so much to do to stay away from poverty line that without the support of their children and wards they would practically tear themselves apart with work! While in the advanced civilizations, governments are alive to their responsibilities and would most likely not clean off their country’s treasury into perpetually licking personal pockets, so they could afford to talk and legislate against the so-called ‘Child Labor’ because there were really no need for child labor in those countries but isn’t it amazing and ironic that here in Africa where most governments are to say the least highly irresponsible and are even responsible for the total spread of poverty in their respective countries by their frequent looting of their nations’ treasuries and who perhaps treat the fact that many households eek out their lives on just $2 as mere statistics would turn around and join leaders of advanced nations to talk and legislate shamelessly about ‘child labor’! Even the advanced civilizations, let us not forget so fast that some 60,000 to 80,000 days ago when so much labor was required to keep plantations producing at largest capacity in the new-found land of America couldn’t recognize which labor was child labor or adult labor to the low point of enslaving, a whole continent not even for survival but for creation of wealth for themselves. By then the citizens of now advanced nations was then talking of inappropriateness of ‘White Labor’! The African village child has so much to do to help the parents and guardians for collective survival. He has no choice than to support the parents and wouldn’t have seen such support as ‘Child labor’ but rightly as an exercise of responsible mentality. However, this meant that the African village child has little or no time to read his book but read his book he must if he hopes to beat poverty and the shadows of creeping ignorance. So despite the fact that the African village child has little amount of time to put into his studies but he is going to sit in the same examination with African city children and others elsewhere in advanced nations that have so much time to themselves and surprisingly sometimes do better than the African city children! “Azubike…” is a true tale of a responsible, obedient, struggling and excelling teenage African Village child that would bring to your reading desk, the tale; of industry, resilience, doggedness, studiousness, accountability, adventure, excellence and surprisingly even fun! It is a tribute to several millions of struggling African village children.

The Igbos and indeed all the other nationalities in Niger Delta have been at the receiving end of the death-squeez of the region by the Nigeria cabals. Is there a hope in sight?

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